Sunday, July 28, 2013

I love this!  You can tell how much this pup loves and misses his human.  Which explains how we are missed in the short time we leave the house and return to a rambunctious welcome.  They don't have a clue where we went, just that we are gone.  Does my heart good to see this.  Soldier returning from leave gets the best welcomes from the furry babies!
This is a Beautifully written tribute to a great dog.  I had to share.  This took me back to the time we had to say goodbye to Louie and Lacy.  Both were very emotional days.  The time our beloved friends are with us is relatively short but long on memory.  I can remember so may loving times with my furry babies.  They were here to help me raise three small boys.  They helped us develop our patience and love for animals.  I truly believe that God so loved us that he gave us dogs and made sure we didn't eat them like the cow and pig.  He made them sweet and tender so we would care for them as tiny pups then, as they grew, we would be rewarded by a trustworthy friend for life.  No he gave the dog a heart and love so extreme that we could not help but love them and they love us.

Friday, April 05, 2013

Kacee's diet

Kacee has been on a diet for about a week now.  No table scraps, no late night treats.  We have cut her down to one small treat a day.  She treats me like I am being mean.  She's been giving me the 'look.' As she comes in after her outside time, she stops and looks at me and and up at the treat jar.  Poor baby.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Kacee is a great friend, she has a well defined attitude.  The girl is really smart too.
She can also be really bossy.  If we leave food out she will only get into it if we forget to tell her goodbye when we leave her alone.  Kacee's birthday is today.  She is 5 human years old.  Her name was Aria when she was born at Whispering Shelties in Iowa but we changed her name to Kacee.   She loves St Patrick's day when I dress her up in green.  What fun!  She's a sweet girl who loves when the grand children come over.  She helps keep them clean by licking their clothes and hands.